Polar Region by ship, yacht and Kayak

Cruise and Sea Kayak Greenland

The remote and ice filled fjords of East Greenland are some of the worlds most stunning areas to visit by water. We offer three exceptional ways to adventure along this stunning coasts. From the comfort of a small expedition cruise vessel to the simplicity of a sea kayak you will never forget your time exploring the amazing wildlife and magical light of these fascinating northern wonderlands. Polar bears, seals, musk ox, millions of migratory birds, fjords and icebergs await.

antarctic expeditions

Join us on a journey of breathtaking beauty and discovery. These voyages offers an intimate exploration of Antarctica’s icy wilderness, with daily Zodiac outings that bring you up-close to towering icebergs and sweeping glaciers. You can also choose to take to the water in a sea kayak or even strap on skis for an even more adventurous experience of this awe-inspiring icy frontier. Whichever you choose, expect encounters with remarkable wildlife, from curious penguins to lounging seals and majestic whales.

svalbard expedition cruise

Navigate through glaciers and fjords on daily Zodiac outings, or opt for sea kayaking to immerse yourself in Svalbard’s wild icy landscapes. Encounter diverse wildlife, including polar bears and seabirds, in this pristine Arctic region. Every day presents fresh discoveries and lasting memories.

Sea Kayak SubAntarctic Islands

Experience a unique sea kayaking adventure to the remote subantarctic islands aboard the Heritage Adventurer. Explore Auckland, Campbell, Macquarie, and the Snares islands, home to diverse wildlife, including penguins, seals and numerous seabirds. With each paddle stroke, you’ll immerse yourself deeper into the intriguing world of these isolated havens on an adventure of a lifetime.

Kayak Journeys around the world